Bread and Other Food in the Area

Fohanagh, Co. Galway

Not everyone had milk or could use it all the time as most could not afford to keep a cow so ‘sour cherrins’ were used as a substitute. The table was always kept near the wall and there were 4 types of bread made regularly, including Indian Bread, Oaten Bread, Rye Bread and Boxty Bread. There was very little variety in food except for the rich who could afford some bacon and some fish. People did not eat late at night. On 1st November ‘Cally’ was eaten and on Easter Sunday eggs were boiled and eaten. Tea was first used here about 100 years ago.

Fohanagh, Co. Galway

Collector: Lily McLoughlin

Informant: Mrs McLoughlin (her mother), Ballynabanaba, Co. Galway

Duchas, ‘The Schools’ Collection’,

This page was added on 25/04/2017.

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