Coastguard Station

Tullymore, Renvyle

Roger Harrison

Rinvlye Coast Guard Station
Rogr Harrison / Forum Connemara

The coastguard station in Tullymore was originally built around 1875 on high ground overlooking Tullymore Point and onto Inishturk (North). The station was first named as such on an O.S. map in 1898[i]. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries the station would have been of vital importance because of the reliance by the local community on maritime traffic and the use of the sea for their livelihoods, not to mention, the smuggling activity in the area at that time. The station was burned during the war of independence and in the early 1990’s the building was restored and is now a number of holiday lets.


The 1901 census shows that the following were stationed here along with their families:


Charles Jones              C.B. in C. Coast Guard

William Barry            Leading Boatman

Henry Bishop

James Mason              Boatman

Edward C. Elsley

George R. Hall




 NUI Galway Digital Collection: , accessed 26 June 2019

National Inventory of Architectural Heritage: , accessed 26 June 2019

This page was added on 25/06/2019.

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