The Famine

Gortnadeeve West, Co. Galway

I was born in the year 1849 and the Famine was in the year 1847. The people were dying with the hunger and were puling nettles to eat them. Calves were bled at a certain part of the neck and the blood mixed and eaten. The people had no help to bring a corpse to the graveyard. When they got tired they would go into a house to see if there was anyone who could help them. The people would see the funeral coming and close their windows and blinds so that they would not be asked to help. Even to this day, people do this when a funeral is passing.

Collector: Unknown

Informant: Thomas Brennan, Knockmascahill, Co. Galway

Place: Gortnadeeve West, Co. Galway

Footnote: Duchas, ‘The Schools’ Collection’,

This page was added on 25/04/2017.

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