
Killinny East, Co.Galway

Asses and goat’s milk was a cure for consumption when taking while fasting.

Heated sheep’s milk could cure a sore throat

3 small potatoes carried in the pocket could cure rheumatism or a toothache

The foam from new milk could also cure toothache

Ferret’s ‘leavings’ could cure measles

A ‘fairy’ mushroom would stop bleeding

Goose gal rubbed on lumps would cure them

Goose grease could be used on sore or stiff knees

A plaster made from bread soda, sugar and soap would cure a boil when applied to it

The leaf of a raw cabbage used on a sore would cure it

Boiled garlic juice would cure rheumatism

Killinny East, Co.Galway

Collector: Unknown

Informant: Unknown

Duchas, ‘The Schools’ Collection’,

This page was added on 25/04/2017.

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