Sowing Potatoes

Garra, Co. Galway

Every year we sow about 2 acres of potatoes. My brother prepares the ground for them and makes the drills. Once this is done we put out farmyard manure and place it in little heaps along the drills. Afterwards, 2 or 3 of us come along with forks and spread it along the drills. During this time my mother has been cutting slits, each piece with an ‘eye’. When we have them gathered in a bucked we sow them along the dyke within a foot of each other. We then come along and close it with a double plough. Almost every house sow early potatoes. There are different varieties including Golden Wonders and Champions. The potatoes are dug up in October using a plough or a spade.

Collector: Unknown

Informant: Unknown

Place: Garra, Co. Galway

Footnote: Duchas, ‘The Schools’ Collection’,

This page was added on 27/04/2017.

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