Kinds of Cake
Pat Smyth
Pat Smyth 21st July 2017 Skylark Centre, Athenry, Co. Galway
Kinds of Cake
Interviewer: Clare Doyle (CD)
Interviewee: Pat Smyth (PS)
CD: And at Christmas time when you had the dinner, did you have anything nice after the dinner?
PS: We had. We had jelly and custard
CD: Very nice. You might have had a bit of Christmas cake maybe?
PS: Oh yeah, we had sweet cake
CD: Yeah
PS: We’d bake the cake
CD: Right. Wat would be in the cake now?
PS: Treacle
CD: Oh, that would be very nice, it’s be very sweet, would it?
PS: Or syrup … you could…
CD: Treacle or syrup
PS: Yeah, you could put syrup in
CD: And your other, did she ever make brack at Halloween time?
PS: No. We had duck
CD: Right
PS: A bread called ‘duck’
CD: And what did that look like?
PS: It looked … a long thing, so it did
CD: And what was in it?
PS: There was icing. You’d love it!
CD: That would be nice
PS: Yeah
CD: And you’d have a bit of butter with it, would you?
PS: You could butter it, yeah
CD: Did you buy the butte, or make you own?
PS: Make our own butter
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