NAMES Rateable Annual Valuation
Ref on Map O.S. 49 Occupiers Immediate Lessors Description of Tenement Area. Statute Measure Land Buildings Total Observations Information & comment Year of changes Changes Made
1 Valentine O’C Blake In fee herd’s house & land 220a 1r 29p £100 10s £100.10s Bunowen Castle Demesne 1872
Charles J. Blake Val O’C. Blake same same same same same 1873 Occupier changed
as above Reps of V. O’C. Blake same same same same same 1880 Lessor changed
Tobias Joyce Charles J. Blake same same same same same Charles J Blake, In fee, Heath House, Maryborough. V. O’C. Blake died in 1879, his son, Charles, inherited 1890 Occupier & lessor changed
1 [b] vacent Val O’C. Blake house & offices £20 £20 1872 Bunowen Castle
Val O’C. Blake In fee same same same 1873 Occupier changed
Reps Val O’C. Blake same same same same 1880 Occupier changed
Charles J. Blake In fee same same same 1892 Occupier & Immediate Lessor changed
Water 23a 0r 22p
Total of Ratable Property excluding exemptions 243a 2r 11p £100 £20.10 £120.10 1872
Total of Ratable Property excluding exemptions 243a 2r 11p £100 £20.10s £120.10s 1892
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