The Banshee

Laurencetown, Co. Galway

There are three families that the Banshee follows in this area. Once there was a man named Jim Shanley who was sick. John Connolly was in his shop (he owned a shop) when a man came in and asked how Jim Shanley was. Tommy said that he hadn’t heard and they both agreed to go to his house. Tommy waited outside taking to another man when there were terrible cries. When the man came out the people expected to hear that he had died, but the man said that he was well improved. The people asked what the crying was, but the man said he had heard nothing. That night Shanley got very bad and died.


Collector: Unknown

Informant: T. Connolly, Laurencetown, Co. Galway

Place: Laurencetown, Co. Galway

Footnote: Duchas,

This page was added on 16/05/2017.

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